Quick Order

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  1. Copy a list of part numbers and their associated quantity, or Upload an Order
  2. Paste the data into the box. Your entry must have one line item per line (part numbers with spaces will not be recognized)

OR, Enter Part # and Qty

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{{product.pricing.actualPriceDisplay | rexnumber}} per {{product.pricing.additionalResults.uom}} {{product.pricing.extendedActualPriceDisplay | rexnumber}}
{{product.pricing.additionalResults.uomConversionMessage}} Minimum Order Quantity of {{vm.minimumOrderedQuantityERP}} {{product.pricing.additionalResults.orderMultipleUOM}} is required for this product Product must be ordered in multiples of {{vm.orderMultipleERP}} {{product.pricing.additionalResults.orderMultipleUOM}}.
UPC: {{product.upcCode}} Material: {{product.modelNumber}} Brand: {{product.manufacturerItem}} Your Part#: {{product.pricing.additionalResults.customerPartNumber}}
Ship From:
Total: {{vm.grandTotal() | rexnumber}}